Month: December 2006
Weight: 111.6kg
Quick Movie Review: Casino Royale
Quick review of Casino Royale, which I went to see last night. Overall, liked it a lot. The first half has some great action sequences, but the second half is the overall better movie. Good acting, and Daniel Craig is one of the most impressive Bond’s ever: after 20-some movies it’s nice to see a…
Weight: 111.4kg
Yes, I was one of the sad multitudes who stayed up past midnight to buy the new Nintendo Wii. I regret nothing! Haven’t had much of a chance to play with it, just a brief wrestle with the internet settings (no luck yet, but I’ll get there), and a few rounds of baseball, boxing and…
Weight: 111.8kg
You better watch out
There are some very strange things in the world, but these Cold War Unicorns take the cake. That said, I’m strangely tempted by this:
Weight: 111.6kg
Movie Review: The Prestige
(No spoilers review) A couple of weeks ago now I went to see The Prestige, the new movie from Christopher Nolan (director of Batman Begins, Insomnia and Memento, all great movies). Overall, it’s a very strange, complex movie that I greatly enjoyed, although Helen not so much… Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian…
Weight: 111.4kg
Yay ADSL2!
Just got an email from my ISP (the fabulous Internode) to tell me that my upgrade to ADSL2 will be happening sometime next week. Should pretty much quadruple my internet connection speed, which will be very nice indeed.