Month: March 2007

  • 20/3

    Weight: 111.4kg Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks: Total Calories: Exercise: Ladder:

  • 19/3

    Weight: 111.8kg

  • 18/3

  • 17/3

    Weight: 112.0kg

  • 16/3

    Weight: 110.5kg

  • 15/3

    Weight: 111.0kg Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks: Total Calories: Exercise: Ladder:

  • Would I have bought Enron?

    I just finished reading a couple of books on the share market, in particular about the early 2000s frauds by Worldcom and Enron: [A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market]( and [The Smartest Guys in the Room]( The question that struck me while reading the books (particularly the Enron one) was whether or not I would…

  • Look out, George Lucas

    [Make your own “Star Wars” opening sequence](, including the Fox & Lucasfilm logos (which you can edit to be other things). ([Via](

  • How to store shoes

    [A rolodex for shoes](

  • Today’s papercraft

    [Make your own plane](, including [Concorde]( and [Space Ship One]( ([Via](