Month: March 2007

  • Virtual Economics

    Recently saw this post on [Boing Boing]( about virtual economics. Cory Doctorow’s take on the inflation endemic to these games: > I think that this has profound implications for in-game democracy — democracy requires that you play together for a long time, in order to establish civil society. But inflation is such a fixture in…

  • Need an army?

    Just in case your office is lacking in that essential element of fear, [a collection of papercraft monsters]( ([Via](

  • Do you find watch bands constraining

    [Another option, but not for the faint of heart…]( ([Via](

  • What do Americans like to shoplift?

    [Meat is apparently the most shoplifted item](

  • World’s biggest inkjet

    [The Jeep Waterfall]( a 25-foot high waterfall that you can make patterns in like a printer. ([Via](

  • How much should an iPhone cost?

    Nice bit of analysis from Joshua Gans [estimating the price elasticity of iPhone demand]( Short version: They could be making a lot more money…

  • 12/3

    Weight: 110.3kg Breakfast: Weetbix Lunch: Vegemite Sandwich x 2 Dinner: Mince with Sundried Tomato Pesto & Rocket Total Calories: 1267kCal

  • 11/3

    Weight: 111.8kg Breakfast: Weetbix Lunch: Cheese & Ham Danish (Bakers Delight) Dinner: Fillet steak, potatoes, peas Exercise: None Total Calories: 1313kCal

  • 10/3

    Weight: 102.3kg Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks: Total Calories: Exercise: Ladder:

  • 9/3/07

    Weight: 113.2kg Breakfast: Weet bix Lunch: Vegemite sandwich Dinner: Vascos steak with mushroom sauce Dessert: Plum pudding