Month: July 2007
Scooby Doo or Scooby Woo?
[Apparently Scooby Doo episodes now have actual ghosts, rather than evil land developers in masks](
On jogging
For the past few weeks I have been trying something that I’ve never done before in my life – jogging every day.[^1] All through High School I was always the least enthusiastic about the annual cross country, greatly preferring sports that required a bit less in the way of actual physical exertion. And ever since…
Is the Sun an alien?
[No!]( There are some very, very strange things on the internet…
Corn fields, driving and cocaine
[A picture that shows what happens when you mix the three](
What’s on that pole?
[A guide to the contents of your power pole](
Champagne moments
[Great essay from Scott Adams of Dilbert fame on success](
Tuesday craft
[Make your own Pixel T-Shirt](
The Coming Storm
[Sometime in the next six months]( there will be a Federal election in Australia. Between now and then, expect things to get a little nutty. I’m sure that some might argue that we’re seeing it already: terrorist plots on the Gold Coast, hysteria over changes to industrial relations, pointless name calling over cimate change, and…
A snuggly planetarium
[The strangest turtle out there](
Distorted pictures
A painting [designed to ve viewed through an anamporphic lens](