Month: October 2007

  • Election07: 386 edition

    *Announcements*: Coalition announces [$4 billion in increased benefits for seniors]( *Polls*: [Newspoll]( ALP 58-42. *Other*: [Wayne Swan and Peter Costello to debate]( Including worm. 32 bitty days until the election.

  • Prepare your brain-soap

    [Steve Ballmer of Microsoft describes his relationship with Bill Gates as ‘Husband-Wife’]( My brain my never be the same again…

  • Obvious joke omitted

    [The journal *Economic Inquiry* has appointed a humor editor]( Check out the rest of the linked site – some good routines from the guy. Although I don’t think he’ll be on *Last Comic Standing* any time soon.

  • Caretaker fun for AGs

    [DIY Vampire Fangs]( Bit too complex for me, but could be fun if I ever decide to go to a halloween party. (Which, in turn, would more or less require me to be in the US, as thats the only place I’ve ever seen Halloween ever treated ‘all out’)

  • Make your own box

    [Templates for make it yourself boxes]( Might be handy next time you’re wrapping presents.

  • Robert Hooke

    [Scans of Robert Hooke’s notebooks now available online]( I think [Robert Hooke]( is fascinating. A brilliant mind who would be one of the most revered scientists ever if he hadn’t had the misfortune to live in the same time and place as a more brilliant scientist in Isaac Newton. (And then compounded that misfortune by…

  • Dematerialisation

    [More people play online game *World of Warcraft* than are employed in the farm sector of the US]( The linked article makes a reasonable point about the mythology of living on the land, but I think comparing a hobby to a way of life is somewhat misleading. Some, of course, would claim that Warcraft *is*…

  • Apple has sold 1.4 million iPhones

    [Apple’s Q4 results]( The countdown to the first idiot suggesting these results suggest Apple is in trouble starts now…

  • Almost here

    [Xbox360 game Mass Effect is finished]( It comes out November 20, so you should probably expect some interruption to blogging around then.

  • Election07: Masonic secret edition

    *Debate wrapup*: Strong consensus (from the worm and commentators) that Rudd easily won the debate. Rudd has now called for a further debate including Costello. *Annoncements*: Liberals annonce [increased funding for cancer care for women ($41m)](, [$174m for water saving measures]( Also announced in the debate were some details of the emission trading scheme policy…