Month: October 2007

  • Pills as food coming soon

    [Molecular Gastronomy supplies]( The idea, basically, is to make meals out of powders. Very strange, very intriguing.

  • Batman-onomics

    [Batman defends Ludwig Von Mises]( Unfortunately I can’t find a copy online. I’d love to see it, if nothing else to see if the economics is right…

  • Reading on screen

    [Every novel on the Booker prize short list may be made available electronically]( Interesting if it happens, but I suspect it’ll be loaded down with piracy protection.

  • Bringing your old fuses and lightbulbs together

    [A lamp in the shape of a fuse](–a-cool-retro-vibe-for-the-ladies-312670.php). I can only think the thought process for this one started with ‘what else do I know that breaks easily?’.

  • Will they provide a 256gb card too?

    [Hasselblad’s updated 39 megapixel camera]( As an aside, I just recently got a new 50mm lens for my 7 megapixel digital camera, and I can notice a huge improvement in quality just from that. So I hate to think how much you’d have to spend on a lens to actually use all of those megapixels…

  • Election07: Debatable edition

    *Announcements*: ALP announces a [Increase in the child care tax rebate rate]( Not much today, because of the great debate this evening. (Which I will *not* be watching).

  • Not for the squeamish

    [This designer took ‘Cuckoo Clock’ too literally]( Seriously, don’t look if you’re sensitive, it’s a bit unpleasant. Not gory, just vivid.

  • Left left right down fight

    [Two tetris cosplayers get into a fight in a parking lot]( They better watch out, that 4×1 piece will come along and clear everyone out.

  • How to escape a business turndown

    [Business advice from Houdini]( Actually, there’s a lot in that list which would work pretty well for politics or policy design too.

  • Sunday computing

    [A super computer in a chapel]( If that photo doesn’t send a shiver down your spine, it’s because you’e never read Arthur C. Clarke’s [*The Nine Billion Names of God*](