Month: November 2007

  • Best lawnmower ever

    [A lawnmower shaped like an F1 car]( Awesome. If I had one I’d possibly even mow the lawn once or twice.

  • Testing the crowds

    [Predicting weather using polls]( I’m on the expert side of the expert-crowd debate. But I’ll be interested to see if this works.

  • Election07: 286 edition

    Quiet day. Nothing national announced. *Quote of the day*: [Wayne Swan on interest rates]( > “I can’t make irresponsible promises like John Howard has been making” Not everyone has John’s talents, after all. 16 days to go.

  • Nuclear Photography

    [French nuclear tests in the 1960s]( Very cool images, but somewhat disturbing too.

  • Worst projection ever

    [The Equinational Projection map]( I used to care about whether Peters or Mercator was better. But then I got a globe.

  • Election07: Virginia to Florida edition

    *Announcements*: * Coalition announces [52 weeks of unpaid parental leave for parents]( * ALP announces a [Horticulture Code of Conduct]( 17 days to go.

  • 36 years ago

    [Woden under construction in 1971]( Canberra is a very, very young city.

  • The map is not the territory

    [A map of the exact borders of the US]( Gives a good idea of just how fuzzy a concept like ‘territory’ can be.

  • A classic SF project

    [Make your own Theremin]( No one who’s seen the SF films of the 1950s could ever mistake the sound.

  • In case paper jams weren’t bad enough

    [A photocopier that ‘intelligently’ decides which bits to redact]( I can confidently guarantee this would become the most hated piece of equipment in any office.