Month: January 2008

  • Tourist papercraft

    [A series of Chicago postcards with papercraft models the landmarks of the city]( If you’re going to Chicago, please send me some.


    [The complete archives of Robert A Heinlein are being scanned and loaded online]( Original manuscripts of every piece Heinlein ever wrote. I think I’m going to be spending quite a bit of time (and money – the scans aren’t free). Plus personal correspondence and other documents. *: There Aint No Such Thing As A Free…

  • Home decorating ideas stolen from 5-year-olds

    [A pop-up lamp which actually lights]( I’d be a lot more impressed if it came with more than one lamp, so you could change your decor with just a flip of the page.

  • Present suggestions

    [Why not buy your loved one a gutted 747]( A thousand and one uses, no doubt. Of course, the price doesn’t include the shipping costs.

  • Really, really cold

    [What happens when you throw a cup of water in the air in Alaska]( Looks nice right about now…

  • Where are you?

    [Dopplr]( – an online tool for frequent travelers. The idea is to let your friends know when and where you’ll be.

  • Stranger than fiction

    [SF author William Gibson thinks the present is so strange no publisher would have accepted it in 1977]( He’s pretty much right. Despite its best efforts, SF often turns out to be too pessimistic about change, especially the negative ones.

  • Most pirated

    [The most pirated movies of 2007]( The list suggests pretty strongly that people tend to pirate the kinds of things they aren’t willing to pay for, because *Resident Evil: Extinction* topped the list.

  • Framing racism

    [If (US) whites are surveyed in a way that suggests that black people are more likely to suffer from the death penalty, support for the death penalty increases]( Scary but depressing.

  • Coming Soon: Cloverfield

    [Cloverfield, the mysteriously marketed movie from JJ Abrams]( I’ve mentioned my feelings on JJ before. But, on the other hand: **monster movie**!!!