Month: January 2008

  • Coming Soon: Redacted

    [Brian de Palma goes very experimental]( The film is supposedly “a variety of created source material-video diaries, produced documentary, surveillance footage, online testimonials, [and] news pieces”. Sounds like a really interesting idea, a variation on the kind of thing that’s been done in written fiction a lot more.

  • Resolutions for economists

    [How Yale Economics Professors lose weight]( Here’s the [website for the StickK program](, which isn’t quite live yet. A pity, it would’ve been nice to get this up for all the new year resolutions.

  • Coming Soon: The Orphanage

    [Guillermo Del Toro tells a dark tale set in an abandoned orphanage]( Del Toro has a fantastic eye for these kinds of things, but the trailer actually makes it look pretty bad.

  • DJ-nomics

    [A rap song about Supply and Demand]( Production is pretty good, but the lyrics are not fabulous…

  • Back to work howto: passwords

    [How to make your password better]( The tips are designed for Mac, but apply to most passwords. Why not try something other than ‘Password1’ this year…

  • Tivo comig closer?

    What do I see in my email this morning but a link to [this]( >Would you like to be one of the first people in Australia to use TiVo? >TiVo currently needs enthusiastic individuals to help test TiVo before its launch into Australia next year. We need your help to ensure we provide the best…

  • America the Beautiful

    [An adapter to attach a flat-screen TV to the back of your pickup truck]( I’d say ‘only in America’, but I expect to overtake one of these here in Australia in the not too distant future.

  • Coming Soon: Fan Boys

    [A group of Star Wars fanboys travel the country to see the new Star Wars film]( Stars Kristen Bell from *Veronica Mars*, too. In case you didn’t already have enough reasons to see it.

  • Mathematical research

    [A new way to multiply]( Nice party trick, but it kinda falls over when you’re working with four digit numbers. The proof that it works in all cases is left as an exercise for the student.

  • Solidarity

    [The adorable animals of YouTube go out on strike with the Writer’s Guild]( From the writers of the Colbert Report. The writer’s strike is not going away any time soon, but some interesting things are happening in the interim.