Month: January 2008

  • Coming Soon: Sweeney Todd

    [Tim Burton adapts Sondheim’s musical]( Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and singing. Yet it looks pretty good…

  • Advanced papercraft

    [Make your own Master Chief (from the Halo series)]( This does not look like a simple papercraft – I think I’ll stick with the six-sided dice papercraft for the moment…

  • Best mistakes of the year

    [Collection of the best mistakes and corrections of the year]( From the article: > On December 22, 2006, The Australian published an article on page 28 titled, “Coffa backs measures to restore order”. In it, The Australian incorrectly stated that Ms Van Tienen had been found guilty by the Australian Sport Anti-Doping Authority of trafficking…

  • Edible lego

    [How to make chocolate Lego]( With a bit of effort this could be the building block (pun intended) of a pretty cool cake.

  • Movie Review: No Country For Old Men

    [*No Country For Old Men*]( Directed by Ethan & Joel Coen. Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin. In West Texas, June 1980, a drug deal has just gone very badly wrong. A case containing two million dollars ends up in the hands of Llewlyn Moss (Brolin) when he comes across the aftermath.…

  • Free reading

    [Hugo-winning Novel *Rainbows End* online in full text and free]( Not my personal choice for best novel, but still well worth reading if you enjoy SF.

  • Coming Soon: The Nines

    [The new film from the writer of several Tim Burton films]( From the description: > The film unfolds in three parts, featuring the same actors in different (and in some ways overlapping) incarnations. Really, really easy to do this badly. The trailer makes it look like it might be OK.

  • Australia’s only territorial conflict

    [An idea to divide Antarctica based on open sea access]( I’ve always found it amusing that the CIA’s *World Factbook* lists [Australia]( as having an international dispute over its Antarctic claism – the reality is that only the US really cares, because they don’t have any. Perhaps this idea, which gives the US a very…

  • Another top ten

    [The top 10 archaeological discoveries of 2007]( Living in Australia it’s easy to forget about the history that lies under the feet of people all the world around.

  • Dark side of cleaning up

    [A Darth Vader tea towel]( I’d only get one if it came with a Yoda oven mit.