Month: May 2012
Trekathon 363: Through the Looking Glass (DS9)
Sisko is kidnapped by the mirror universe O’Brien. Something just felt a bit off about this one. Perhaps it was as simple as the terrible costume design for Jennifer Sisko, which just looked wrong every time I looked at it. I appreciate what they were going for, but somehow it just didn’t work. Other than…
Trekathon 362: State of Flux (VOY)
Someone on board is leaking information to the Kazon. A nice episode that uses up what could have been a really interesting ongoing plot with a bit more work. The idea of a traitor in the crew is a good one, but it gets bought up and resolved in a single episode. We’ve now got…
Trekathon 361: Distant Voices (DS9)
Bashir is trapped inside his own mind. Ultimately this was a failure of imagination. The possibilities for logical leaps and strange occurrences in dreams should provide for great potential. But other than a couple of hard cuts this episode does nearly none of that. The one good idea they try is the ‘crew equals aspects…