ABC News has a new site

The [ABC]( launched a new website today, the most interesting part of which is the [ABC News](


It is, in a word, bold.

Web 2.0 is getting pretty trendy now. Between [Digg]( and [Flickr]( the most common trends

have become clear. But would anyone have expected that you’d see a mainstream, conservative website with a [tag cloud](

The ABC certainly isn’t diving in head first. This is a small step in a lot of ways. There are very few opportunities for end users

to participate, making this a principally one-way experience. And it might just be my familiarity with the old design, but I find the new

look quite jarring so far.

Still, I think it’s a sign of how far Web 2.0 has come that some of its central concepts are being picked up in this kind of way. And

with such a prominent website using them, I expect that they’ll begin to spread even more quickly within Australia.



