Feels a bit late in Time Travel Trek to be covering the basics, but better late than never I suppose. Spoilers.
An interesting episode that is a bit of a victim of the format of the show. The 22 minute format means that there really isn’t any time to spend with character development or moments. Or even on much in the way of comedy or hijinks. It’s just a single series of dominos falling to get us to the next episode.
And that’s OK, but makes this hard to judge in isolation. There are a lot of interesting threads and references coming in, and the new plot being set up has a lot of potential for good stories. But I don’t think it’s ever going to be the episode that people watch time and time again.
Quick hits:
This first scene just feels like standard live action Trek, but with Rok-Tok standing in the background.
I feel like Dal is getting a bit of unfair blame here. It’s not like he was even particularly responsible for how things turned out, even if he did trigger some of it.
Oh I hope there’s a lesson about perfectionism coming for young Ma’Jel. Also she has some things to learn about psychology.
Yay, ‘I’m a Doctor not a [fill in the blank].’
I would now like a series of just this Starfleet training videos.
I kind of like the ‘river’ analogy for time rather than ‘dominos’.
Some good callbacks to previous time travel episode.
Real ‘The Matrix’ vibes right here. In a ‘very deliberate reference’ way.
Enterprise Season One shadowy time figures? This is getting very complicated.
943 down.