* ALP: [$6 billion worth of Commonwealth land to be sold to alleviate housing affordability problems](http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/10/16/2060873.htm).
* Coalition: Nothing announced.
*Non-policy*: [The debate debate](http://www.smh.com.au/news/federalelection2007news/just-one-debate-pm/2007/10/16/1192300739761.html). Kevin Rudd wants three debates, closer to the election. John Howard wants one, this Sunday.
*Line of the Day*: [Kevin Rudd, on John Howard’s refusal to allow ‘The Worm’ in the proposed debate on Sunday](http://www.smh.com.au/news/federalelection2007news/just-one-debate-pm/2007/10/16/1192300739761.html):
> “And why punish the worm? Everyone in Australia likes the worm. Let’s be friends of the worm.”
Thirty nine steps days to go.