*Debate wrapup*: Strong consensus (from the worm and commentators) that Rudd easily won the debate. Rudd has now called for a further debate including Costello.
*Annoncements*: Liberals annonce [increased funding for cancer care for women ($41m)](http://liberal.org.au/about/documents/BetterCancerCareandSupportforWomen_000.pdf), [$174m for water saving measures](http://www.smh.com.au/news/federalelection2007environment/174m-for-water-saving-measures/2007/10/22/1192940959327.html). Also announced in the debate were some details of the emission trading scheme policy and a review of the Iraq deployment.
*Line of the Day*: Kevin Rudd stating the bleeding obvious:
> This is Australia, it’s not the Soviet Union.
Runner up, in an [SMH story](http://www.theage.com.au/news/federalelection2007news/labor-hits-back-on-tax-error/2007/10/22/1192940945933.html):
> Asked if he had set a trap for Labor by not publishing his own long-term table of where the tax thresholds would set in, Mr Costello looked very pleased with himself.
33 days to go. Of [33rd degree](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/33rd_degree) temperature if the weekend is any indication.