Category: Quickhit

  • Distorted perceptions

    [Caricatures are better than realistic sketches for identifying people]( Memory is a pretty strange thing – this study suggests that adapting to the way it works rather than simply forcing people to remember the ‘right’ way might be the most effective way to go.

  • More free reading

    [*Repbulic*, by Charles Sheehan-Miles]( Haven’t read it yet, so don’t know if it’s any good. But I like the genre, so I’m optimistic.

  • My next coffee machine

    [The $US 20,000 halogen-powered siphon bar coffee machine]( No one could possibly think that’s excessive for the public service, right? It would definitely be productivity enhancing.

  • Quickest toast in the west

    [A jet powered toaster that can toast bread in 50 seconds]( I believe I agree with Homer Simpson when i say: 50 seconds? But I want it now!.

  • Brilliance in design

    [Pen fork and spoon attachments for your pen]( I agree with Gizmodo – the peak of all human achievement has now been reached.

  • Broad based investment

    [Buy a share of the future income of a baseball player]( Given the direction of the stock market lately, this seems like a really good idea to me. But I’d love to see it expanded – why not have a market for the graduates in the department? (I’d personally like a bit more information on…

  • Great moments in policy

    [A dispute over whether something is a cake or biscuit could cost 3.5m pounds]( This is *exactly* what euro-skeptics think of the EU in the UK. How on earth could you say that those are cakes?

  • A lawsuit sure to have no negative consequences

    [A hotel owner is suing a hurricane expert for predicting hurricanes in Florida]( Dr Gray may not be the best weather forecaster in the world, but I’m pretty sure that this kind of lawsuit would be pretty destructive to anyone who makes a forecast.

  • Rational Markets

    What was the reaction of the stock market to the initial announcement that Steve Jobs, now regarded as one of the most valuable CEOs in the world, was becoming CEO of Apple? [The stock price fell 7.3 per cent](

  • Nerf warfare

    [The Nerf Longshot CS-6]( Only shoots 35 feet or so, so the quest for true foam tipped arrow accuracy continues.