Category: Quickhit
The map is not the territory
[A map of the exact borders of the US]( Gives a good idea of just how fuzzy a concept like ‘territory’ can be.
A classic SF project
[Make your own Theremin]( No one who’s seen the SF films of the 1950s could ever mistake the sound.
In case paper jams weren’t bad enough
[A photocopier that ‘intelligently’ decides which bits to redact]( I can confidently guarantee this would become the most hated piece of equipment in any office.
Bad design decisions
[Lights to make your bike look like a Police vehicle]( Funny the first time. Until the car comes back and runs you off the road, that is.
Very, very creepy
[Photographs of the guards and staff of Auschwitz Concentration Camp having a good old time]( Looking at these sent a tremendous shiver down my spine.
From Saturn
[Pictures of Saturn from the Cassini probe]( It’s incredible to think that space probes like this have only been around for 30 years.
Electronic democracy
[Senator Online will have a party vote on every issue]( Running two candidates in five states. Probably a bad idea, but it would be interesting to see it tried.
Facebook at work
[Serena Software requires staff to use Facebook for an hour a week]( I hope HR at work is paying attention.
Economist spotting
[How to tell if you might be a quant]( Easy to spot, hard to tame.
Is Pac Man too modern for you?
[Pac Man as a text adventure]( Funny stuff. There’s a lot clever text adventures (‘Interactive Fiction’) out there.