Category: Trekathon
Trekathon 923: Mirrors (DIS)
Please, not a mirror universe story. Spoilers.
Trekathon 922: Face the Strange (DIS)
I’m pretty sure ‘The Strange’ is a strain of pot, so this could get craaazy… Spoilers.
Trekathon 921: Jinaal (DIS)
Don’t you steal my man Jinaal! Spoilers.
Trekathon 920: Under the Twin Moons (DIS)
Two episodes in one day and Twin Moons in the title? Spoilers.
Trekathon 919: Red Directive (DIS)
DISCO is back! Spoilers.
Trekathon 914-918: Very Short Treks Season 1 & Season Review
Actually strike that – five quick bites before a rest. Spoilers.
Trekathon Series Review: Lower Decks, Season 4
Caught up again, but only because of a bit of a hiatus.
Trekathon 913: Old Friends, New Planets (LD)
Lower Decks wraps up season 4. Spoilers.
Trekathon 912: The Inner Fight (LD)
Fewer flutes, more fists? Spoilers…
Trekathon 911: Caves (LD)
Ah, the Star Trek cave set. Classic. Spoilers.