Exasperated Calculator: Star Trek & Economics
Trekathon 829: All is Possible (DIS)
More classic Trek. Spoilers.
Trekathon 828: Choose to Live (DIS)
Star Trek goes pro-choice. Spoilers.
Trekathon 827: Anomaly (DIS)
Five light years is more than massive. Just saying. Spoilers.
Trekathon 826: Terror Firma (PRO)
On to the day’s second episode. Spoilers.
Trekathon 825: Kobayashi Maru (DIS)
Two episodes of different Trek series on the same day – it’s been a long time since that happened. Spoilers.
Trekathon 824: Dreamcatcher (PRO)
Is this anyone’s idea of a dream? Spoilers.
Tower of Babylon 005: Infection
Possibly the worst Babylon 5 episode? Certainly every bit as bad as I remembered, from the rough performances from the guest actors, the pointless action sequences, and a terrible ending. The only positive to note is that there are good ‘bones’ to the story here – it moves along well, has good beats and could…
Tower of Babylon 004: Born to the Purple
For me a mixed episode (my brother liked it a lot more). I found the basic plot to be very by-the-numbers 1950s pulp, with very little in the way of surprises. But Londo’s performance across the episode is wonderful, and it’s the saving grace for the story. Sinclair, on the other hand, feels like he’s…
Trekathon 823: Starstruck (PRO)
Shakedown cruise. Spoilers.
Tower of Babylon 003: Soul Hunter
Ooof, very nearly as bad as I remembered. The ‘monster of the week’ episodes were never a highpoint, of the show, and exposition heavy monster of the week is even worse. I’m not sure if the idea could work better with a different approach to the implementation, or if it’s just a bad idea, but…