Exasperated Calculator: Star Trek & Economics
Tower of Babylon 002: Midnight on the Firing Line
Season one starts with an episode that I remember as being relatively strong, so I was pleased when it mostly held up. There’s a lot of adjustments that need to be done here to move on from the pilot, but they’re pretty smooth for the most part. Some smart moves, like not bringing in all…
Trekathon 822: Lost and Found (PRO)
Peak Star Trek continues, with the new young adult oriented animated series. Spoilers.
Trekathon Season Review: Lower Decks, Season 2
I’ll just do a brief review for the season again – after all, at 10 twenty minute episodes it’s about the same duration as five full live action episodes. Not as strong as last year, and didn’t deliver on the promise of the setup from the end of Season 1. There’s some good episodes in…
Trekathon 821: First First Contact (LD)
Season two of Lower Decks comes to an end. Spoilers.
Trekathon 820: wej Duj (LD)
That’s not the real episode title, I don’t have the Klingon script for the actual title. Spoilers.
Tower of Babylon 001: The Gathering
As promised some time ago, I’m adding to my overall nerdry by doing an episode by episode review/commentary for Babylon 5, the SF TV show I love more than Star Trek. It’s been a while since my last watch, so it will be interesting to see how much it’s held up. Overall Babylon 5 was…
Trekathon 819: I, Excretus (LD)
Upside down on the Cerritos. Spoilers.
Trekathon 818: Where Pleasant Fountains Lie (LD)
Real Lwaxana vibes this week. Spoilers.
Trekathon 817: The Spy Humongous (LD)
The Cerritos is being diplomatic. Spoilers.
Trekathon 816: An Embarrassment of Dooplers (LD)